Welcome to the world of working parenthood…
Wondering how you’ll still do your job as well as being a parent?
Want to have a conversation about changing your working pattern but not sure how to approach it?
Don’t really know where to start with creating a return-to-work plan?
This how-to guide is designed to help you every step of the way on your journey to becoming a working parent – from before you head off on parental leave to while you’re away and on your return. Catherine Oliver has not only been there and done that but has supported many thousands who have chosen to take on the dual roles of parent and employee.
It will also be invaluable if your partner is taking a longer period of parental leave, or if you’re a manager worried about doing or saying the wrong thing. In the past this support has only been available to employees of big corporates: you could soon be holding it in your hands.
And if you've already bought a copy and are looking for the handbook…
I've created a handbook to go with the book. It contains all the exercises, checklists and tools along with the list of links to further resources. You may find it helpful to print this and use it to make notes on as you go through the book.